Thank you for your patience regarding plans for WAMUNC XXV. After careful consideration, discussion with GW staff, and consultation with Secretariat members, we have decided to move forward with an in-person conference for April of 2023.
My first priority as Secretary-General is to keep your students safe and make this conference accessible. Therefore, we will periodically update this page to outline our most recent COVID-19 policies. At this moment, we are expecting the conference to be a masked event.
Ignacio Gomez
WAMUNC XXV Secretary-General
Frequently Asked Questions
This page will be continually updated to reflect the most recent questions and answers.
Last updated: September 12th, 2022
How will registration work?
Registration will be the same as the years prior. It can be found under the Registration tab at the top of the page when registration opens in mid-October. On the registration form, you for indicate which payment option your delegation will use. After you complete payment, we ask you to submit a screenshot of your receipt to our Director of Conference Relations. We will send each school their assignments after we have received payment.
Will students need to miss class for the conference?
While no schedule has been accepted yet, we have the wishes of both students and advisors in mind. Our thinking is to hosting the conference in the evenings on Thursday and Friday, as to best accommodate the needs of all. Saturday will be a full day of committee and Sunday will wrap up committees and hold closing ceremonies.
Can I register as an individual delegate?
Yes. Any student may register for WAMUNC individually by filling out the Registration form. Our Director of Conference Relations will reach out after you submit the form for payment and committee assignments.
Do I still have to write a position paper?
No. Students are not required to write a position paper for WAMUNC. However, should advisors wish for their delegates to do so, the position paper should be in 12pt Times New Roman and 1 page single-spaced per topic (there are a few committees that have two topics and two papers are needed for these). Position papers are due on March 31st, 2023 at 11:59 pm. They should be emailed to the chair of the committee whose email is on the background guide as well as on the Background Guide section of our website. Also should also be cc-ed to that email. The title and subject name should “Committeename_lastname_nameofhighschool".
What about lodging?
WAMUNC XXV will occur on the George Washington University campus opposed to a hotel. That being said, we are actively looking into obtaining a discount code at surrounding hotels such that delegations may use that if seeking to lodge at a hotel for the duration of conference. Additionally, the recommended hotels will be within walking distance of the George Washington University.
If you have any other questions, please email